Ever get to the end of the day and think to yourself, "What the heck did I do today?" Then, as you try to recall exactly what it was you did do, you realize it wasn't much of anything. You've got nothing to show in your business! It's time to light a fire under your own butt and business and hold yourself accountable!
I've even had trouble remembering what I did. Now that's pathetic! (I'll blame it on meno-fog!)
So today I want to share a work-around for whatever brain fog you've got going on that'll increase your work efficiency AND has the potential to result in more income. Sweet! It's a matter of a simple change in focus to help you work smarter not harder!
Simple, Yet Powerful
One of the best ways to keep yourself accountable is a technique I learned from Ann Sieg called EOD or "End of Day." It's simply a commitment to end each day by listing what tasks you accomplished for your business. Conversely, you can start each day with a list (SOD) of what you plan to accomplish. Here's an example of an EOD:
Whether it's SOD or EOD, the purpose is to shine a light on what you plan to do and what you actually do to grow your business and your income daily.
Sounds simple enough, right? But where it gets even more powerful is when you commit to sharing your list with another person or inside a mastermind group. Yikes! Public accountability!
In my case, we share them inside our private Facebook community of home business owners and entrepreneurs. We all have something in common - we're working our businesses and we share our daily activities. It's a powerful motivator and a real eye-opener to gauge your productivity against other colleagues. Talk abut lighting a fire under your patootie!
Believe me, as people share SODs and EODs you get to see what's bringing them success, you'll want to try what they're doing. When you realize there are a lot more things you should be doing, you're inspired to make changes.
When you realize how much of your day is wasted on non-essential things that don't have a direct effect on your bottom line - you'll think twice about it...and your daily activities will begin to morph and so will your SODs and EODs.
Making a habit of doing an SOD, EOD or both, will help you become more productive, more purposeful. It's a simple, yet powerful way to get you going in the right direction. Hold yourself accountable in a public way, even if it's only one other person!
What - No Accountability Partner?
C'mon, really? After all the times I've harped on that here on my blog, you mean to tell me you haven't done that yet?
Okay, I'll cut you some slack. It's not hard to find at least one person who's willing to become more accountable. Just ask around and you'd be surprised who'd be willing to partner up with you...even if they're in a completely different line of business.
Or...here's a shortcut to join my accountability group.
Holding yourself accountable will be an ongoing process. I mean, you're only human. Life happens. Society bombards us every second of every minute with messages and distractions. But it's up to you to do the right thing and not make excuses.
Remember...No one can do your business for you. It's your dream - make it happen!
Despite what you may have heard, creating passive income is hard work! In fact it's anything but, well…passive! It requires action and lots of it, but the rewards can be oh so sweet!
Sorry if I burst your bubble, but the truth is, everyone wants passive income...yet few are willing to make the necessary changes and do what it really takes to get it. That's why so many people are lured to network marketing - they hear what they want to hear. "It's simple."
What they didn't hear - or chose not to hear - is that the concept of network marketing may seem simple, but becoming successful at it isn't easy. This happens in other industries too. Everybody wants a quick buck with as little effort as possible...but if that were the case everyone would be doing it.
Preparation + Planning + Productivity = Path to Passive Profits!
Notice the implied "action" in this formula? In other words, do the work now to get the desired results later. It ain't for the faint of heart. You're not going to suddenly become wealthy overnight, in a week, or even in a month.
If that's what you thought - then see ya later!
Will you make money right away? Yes, you can definitely begin generating income - just don't expect a huge payday early on. A lot of stars would need to be aligned for that rare occurrence.
But if you're really willing to do whatever it takes to reap the big rewards later…approach your home business with a purpose now. It's not just about setting goals. It's about designing the path to get where you want to go.
The end of the year is the perfect time to take stock of where you are now and where you want to go in the next 12 months. Prepare, plan and strategize the path of your home business now. With the right tools, support system and a great plan in place…what's left?
Hard Work!
That's right...it's time for action - consistent daily action on each and every aspect of the plan you lay out. Make sure you're being productive. Without purposeful action, business doesn't grow and you don't prosper.
You're in business to make money, right? So it only makes sense to maximize and optimize the time you spend on your business to increase your bottom line.
Work Smarter, Not Harder
As a former teacher and coach, I often used a tactic designed to "catch 'em being good." I made a concerted effort to be on the lookout for "desirable" behavior that would likely produce a successful outcome for the student. I would then immediately acknowledge and reward that behavior as a matter of conditioning.
Over time, the kids would develop better work habits and stay on task more frequently. The pay off: higher quality work, better compliance, positive results.
This same theory applies to your own business work habits.
In the beginning stages of developing my own business, I had to make a concerted effort to catch myself if I was not using my time wisely...which was frequently!
Either I was distracted by social media or fell victim to Shiny Object Syndrome (topic for another discussion) or I found myself with analysis paralysis - a vain attempt to make everything perfectly fit for public consumption.
Translation: Dead in the water. No progress.
You see, perfection can be the enemy of progress. I quickly realized I needed to prioritize my activities based on their potential to get me closer to my income goals.
Are you plagued by analysis paralysis? Catch yourself being good. Celebrate the smaller successes and stack them to build your confidence.
Prioritize Tasks According to Their Income Potential
To determine whether a particular activity is a good use of your time, ask simple questions like
1. Will this activity result in more clients or customers?
2. Will this activity result in learning a valuable new business skill?
3. Will this activity result in the sale of a product or service?
4. Will meeting with this person likely result in a sale?
If the answer is no, it's not a priority. Start your day with the tasks you're most resistant to. Being busy isn't the same as being productive AND profitable!
Of course there are many other tasks worthy of your time, such as relationship and value building for your followers. Just know which activities are income producing and start with those first before moving on to the other tasks.
Prep, plan and be productive every day and you will create passive income for yourself down the road. How much? That's up to you!
If you long for the Niagara Falls of web traffic - an abundant flow of eyeballs on your site, you're gonna have to shell out some greenies….or at least plastic anyway. Those eyeballs cost money! (They don't call it online commerce for nothin'!) But building your list doesn't have to make your wallet hemorrhage!
You can certainly get free traffic to your home business blog using various methods like article writing, hashtags on social media, blog commenting tribes, and the like. Think of that method as a sort of sweat-equity process. If you work at it, it'll work, but the process can be slower than molasses!
The truth is…to get a lot of opt-ins so you can quickly build your list, you need an effective marketing funnel that shuttles leads to you. That requires 2 things:
1. LOTS of very interested eyeballs on your site
2. A VERY compelling reason for them to cough up their email.
Getting Eyeballs STAT!
Who doesn't need eyeballs quickly? It almost goes without saying that everyone would prefer to have an immediate and steady flow of traffic, for the cheapest possible outlay, but not just any traffic.
The best kind of web traffic is the result of a strategic and targeted effort that filters out the uninterested, and brings in the highly interested - your ideal customers!
Paid advertising IS the fastest way to get eyeball traffic to your business blog…but the good news is, it doesn't have to cost you your right arm!
In fact, you can run a very effective 3 or 4 day ad on Facebook for only $15 - $20 bucks. Simply set a $5 daily budget and you can test the waters without having to raid your kid's babysitting money.
But let's back the truck up. Before you do a single ad, make sure you've done a great job setting things up on your site so that the principles of attraction marketing will work.
There are plenty of articles on this site to help you with that, but in a nutshell, everything about your home business blog should:
1. Speak the specific language that resonates with your audience.
2. Contain plenty of interesting topics, resources and stories that benefit them and educate them on who you are and how you're uniquely qualified to help them.
3. Feature products or services that directly benefit them (solve their problem or issue)
If you've got all those ducks in a row then you're ready for the next stage in building your list -
Attracting Eyeballs With Your Free Offer
The next piece of the puzzle is to create a free compelling offer. The keyword here is compelling - simply put, it's a no-brainer reason for people to give you their email!
You'll need a page on your blog to display your irresistible offer. This is called a squeeze page. It has only one purpose…to entice them to exchange their email for your free offer. You can learn more about it here.
And finally - the trigger. What will trigger them to skedaddle on over to your squeeze page? A well-crafted, targeted, inexpensive ad, of course!
Create an ad that appeals to your specific niche
Use keyword specific language in your ad to attract their interest
Use an eye-catching graphic image to attract their interest
Use demographic targeting to make sure your ad is seen by your ideal customer.
Note: due to online consumer fatigue, and maybe a little A.D.D., be prepared to change up your ad to keep things fresh and give you the beat shot at reaching your intended audience.
Best Bang For Your Buck?
It's estimated that Facebook will surpass 2 billion active users in 2014. For that reason it's THE obvious smart choice when it comes to advertising your home business online inexpensively. As you gain proficiency with creating ads, brand out to other platforms where you have the best chance of getting eyeballs!
Learn how to advertise with Facebook here:
Having trouble with the idea of spending money to make money?
Do you have a limited budget? Here's a secret nugget: Use a self-liquidating offer (aka SLO) to pre-fund the cost of your ads. Offer something of high perceived value to your specific niche at a minimal cost, then use those proceeds to buy low cost ads.
Many people (me included) offer (sell) affiliate products and services to help pre-fund advertising costs. This reduces or even eliminates out-of-pocket costs for advertising. A typical price range for a low-cost SLO affiliate product is $7 to $37. The key here is perceived value. Be selective when choosing an affiliate product. <link to affiliate article>
See how that all works? Nifty!
As you're gaining experience in paid advertising, don't stop your other traffic-building activities. You'll gain the biggest benefit by employing both free and paid strategies.
So get busy lining up all your ducks and your home business will begin creating a steady of flow of eyeball traffic through your marketing funnel and ultimately build you a big fat list!
p.s. Don't forget to track your ads to measure their effectiveness. Monitor! Monitor! Monitor!
A squeeze page is a single web page - usually housed on your own home business blog with the sole purpose of capturing your visitor's coveted contact information (email address) for follow-up marketing.
As the name implies, you're intention is to squeeze the information from them. I can almost hear it now: "Yeah, me and the boys put the squeeze on 'em. They coughed up the goods nice and easy like!"
(It's not nearly as sinister as that - promise!)
Sometimes the term squeeze page is used interchangeably with landing page, however landing pages are often used for the sale of a product or service, including a pay button to complete a purchase.
An effective squeeze page uses verbiage and stories your visitors can identify with and relate to when making a buying decision.
In addition to persuasive copy, these days more and more people are utilizing video on squeeze pages due to it's popularity and ability to establish personal connection with the viewer, plus it increases the time they're engaged on the page. Google takes note of that for page rank.
Make It Easy For People To Find Your Squeeze Page
Don't forget to use specific keyword text to improve your search engine rank and sign-up/opt-in conversions.
Since the #1 goal is to obtain the visitor's email address, keep the content on your squeeze pages to a bare minimum to avoid distracting the user, thus causing them to navigate away from your page without leaving their information. (see examples at the end of this post)
Common features of quality squeeze pages include:
The beauty of a squeeze page is that once you have a visitor's email address, you have the opportunity to present them with multiple sales messages over time, develop a relationship, and even cross-sell other related products and services.
Squeeze pages are often used in conjunction with an email autoresponder like Aweber, to begin delivering information as soon as the visitor confirms their email address.
Creating effective squeeze pages is now a much simpler process thanks to the development of special software that has been tested and optimized to improve conversion rates. Not only does the software help create squeeze pages and landing pages, it can also help with many other website tasks. It's worth a look to see what they offer. Though there are quite a few popping up, my favorites are:
To help you understand the minimal nature of squeeze pages, below are some sample images of popular squeeze page designs.
So now you should have some ideas of what you might include on your own squeeze pages. Just don't forget to check and adjust as you go, so you don't miss a single opt-in!
I saw this quote today and it really made me think about how well we prepare ourselves to handle the inevitable challenges of a home businesses:
"You don't rise to the level of your expectations, you fall to the level of your training."
Think about that. What does it mean to you in your business?
When faced with a challenge, what's your default instinct? Do you tend to have a knee-jerk reaction or spontaneously erupt with an inappropriate response? Do you have a thoughtful measured response, or do you throw up your hands and give up?
Perhaps you graduated from the School of Hard Knocks and have managed to corral your beginner's exuberance and channel it into constructive problem-solving.
Unfortunately many people who lack experience, training and confidence tend to fall into the reactive mode when faced with difficult situation or challenge.
For sure, I can think of a few times when I was new to marketing that I wish I would have handled some things differently. In other words, I resorted to older, less-than-mature habits that didn't serve me well. "I fell to the level of my training."
But live and learn. Experience can be a great teacher, but training and preparing will help you groove new default patterns when things get difficult!
Quell the Tide
If you expect to be taken seriously in business and portray yourself confidently as a problem solver it means being honest with yourself and understanding your tendencies under duress. How do you train yourself to handle challenges with grace and resolve? It all starts with your internal dialogue.
At any given time, we're faced with daily challenges. Everything from minor bumps in the road to all out catastrophes.
The internet is littered with motivational memes, positive affirmations and the like, all aimed at encouraging us to look at things in a positive light or to put a positive spin on an otherwise not-so-pleasant problem.
(Kinda makes you think that life is like a series of booby-traps we have to navigate!)
Well, I'm all for putting one foot in front of the other and full steam ahead...don't get me wrong. But is it really as simple as a little positive pull-yourself-up-by-your-bootstraps self-talk? Yes, frequently it does boil down to self-talk.
In all but the most serious situations, a cooler head will prevail IF you've established a practice of using an inner dialogue that moves you into problem-solving action vs. reacting in a panic. That's more likely to happen if you've trained yourself over time to think and respond logically and proactively using the facts before you - a tall order for some folks!
You can bet the little conversations you have with yourself when things aren't so rough will surely reemerge when they are! That's why it's so important to establish the right kind of self-talk - to prepare you to handle smaller difficulties and challenges in a methodical, proactive way, so that it becomes your norm.
Teach yourself to analyze each problem individually. Come up with two or more viable options and choose the one that makes the most sense to you at the time.
In the end, you may learn that it wasn't the best option, but you'll learn valuable information that will serve you the next time. Plus you will build a little confidence that you can stack on top of the next challenge.
Don't berate yourself for making wrong decisions. What you gain from pushing through will be invaluable and bring you not just closer to your goal but prepare you for the next one.
How do you handle the ups and downs? Do you have a worthy strategy to share? Leave us a comment
Today is Thanksgiving 2013!
I want to share some things that I'm especially thankful for…and hope that it inspires you to reflect on the things that you're thankful for.
Some of you may or may not know, I started out 2013 with my 23 year old daughter Kelsey being diagnosed with APL leukemia.
There are no words to adequately convey the utter shock waves that went through our family as we learned the devastating news. It was a living nightmare.
For 7 months we fought alongside as she quietly battled a stealthy foe with great patience, grace and resolve. We had a mantra "One day at a time." and that served us very well.
Kelsey endured chemo, arsenic treatment, 3 bone marrow biopsies and all that goes along with allowing toxins to enter your body and kill the cancerous cells.
Through it all, she NEVER complained.
She had a dedicated and highly skilled team of caring doctors and nurses and a mountain of love and support of her parents and big sister as well as lots of extended family, friends and strangers around the globe.
In July, just 7 months after being diagnosed, she achieved complete molecular remission. It's sometimes hard for me to think about the fact that this is till the same calendar year! So here's what I'm thankful for:
- I'm thankful for skilled & caring doctors and nurses.
- I'm thankful for our strong family bond.
- I'm thankful for the Facebook - yes Facebook. It allowed us to post updates on her progress so we only had to say it once https://www.facebook.com/KelloKittyKicksCancersButt
- I'm thankful for the thousands of prayers and well wishes sent our way throughout her battle. It meant the world to our family!
- I'm thankful I have an online business that I love that allowed me to be with her 24/7 without losing my income. If I was still teaching I most likely would have had to take a leave of absence.
- I'm thankful every day I get to see her beautiful smile and feel her love and know that she is healed.
- I'm thankful I've managed to maintain my sense of humor - some days that's all I had to get me through the rough spots.
Most of all I'm thankful for the unconditional love of family and friends, and I wish that for you as well!
I'll leave you with a quote that kind of sums up what I've learned this year:
"Tomorrow is never promised, so live for today. Put your ego aside, open your eyes to who and what's around you. You are loved. You are cared for. You are blessed, always remember that."
What are you thankful for this Thanksgiving?
It's a little secret that not many people realize...the power of a mentorship community to help challenge you and spur you into action. When you take consistent action, you will see results...and faster!
"I've never heard of a mentorship community, much less an online one. What is it?"
A great online training and mentorship community will have a library of "how to" videos, live training webinars, daily small group Q & A calls, weekly training calls, specialty guest webinars, JV opportunities just to name a few.
But the real engine that makes it all work takes a combination of leadership and an active thriving membership to constantly challenge you to "check and adjust"...to adapt and help your online business evolve and improve.
I belong to such a community...an exclusive private mastermind community that includes training, mentorship and even live events to encourage interaction with my peers. Engaging in this way can do wonders for home business entrepreneurs who sometimes have a tendency to hide behind their computers and remain isolated. (You know who you are!)
But my community takes it up another notch and also offers regular ongoing team challenges typically lasting 4-6 weeks. These are fun (optional) challenges open to anyone in our online community...but don't let the fun fool ya!
They're geared toward developing a particular aspect of online business and designed to get you into action, instead of sitting on the sidelines. SCORE!
Recently we had a 6 week "Better Blogger" team challenge. It was designed to help members develop a strong marketing funnel for their blog (website)…the lifeblood of ANY online business.
Well I love a challenge, so I jumped in feet first!
Week 1 focused on writing a strong headline.
Week 2 was about writing an effective "list" post.
Week 3 we learned how to properly write a long form lead capture page.
Week 4 showed us how to repurpose a blog post for use in an email.
Week 5 required us to put together a blog post that facilitated an order transaction.
Week 6 we were challenged to draft a proper thank you page to convert new leads into customers and clients!.
Sound like a lot of work? Not gonna lie…it was!
Not only did we create our own weekly entries, we also participated in rating the other participants, which is a whole different learning experience in itself!
Although I didn't win the overall challenge…I did manage to eek out one of the weekly wins (see photos)
So…why do I love these challenges?
It's not for the competition, it's not for the weekly prizes like T-shirts ^ or free tickets to live training events. I do it because entering these challenges helps me build my online business. It helps me sharpen my skills. It helps me create better quality content. It helps me learn so much!
Best of all, it forces me to take consistent action resulting in a better online experience for my audience.
No matter how motivated you think you are as a home business solopreneur, you simply can't do everything yourself. That's why a supportive online community with high quality training and leadership is so valuable!
If you've never been a part of a mastermind community, don't let the name scare you. They're full of regular people from all walks of life, all ages, all backgrounds. That's the strength.
I'm always introducing people into my community, so here's my challenge to you: Get off the sidelines and check it out for yourself! You want results?
One thing I learned as a home-based entrepreneur is that there's no traditional "water cooler" where you can shoot the -um, breeze with a co-worker on your 15 minute break. You don't have a tribe, a community.
Our version of the proverbial water cooler is social media like Facebook, Twitter, Google+, or text messaging, none of which has a time limit.
Whether it's a computer or mobile device, we're magnetically attracted to the instant gratification and interactivity of the world wide web.
It's just so danged easy to get sucked in - and an hour or more later, you're still at the "virtual water cooler" having conveniently avoided doing the things that actually help grow your business and earn you income!
Working solo from home often means a lack of built-in social interaction with colleagues. It's one of the quirks…or perks, depending on your point of view of being a solopreneur.
As humans, we all want to belong, and we all need social interaction for our emotional health and well being, but when it comes to home business, we don't really give it much thought beyond a membership with a local chapter of Toastmasters.
Yet next thing ya know, we're staring at the WWW. screen again.
Why is that?
We need a feedback loop - someone who understands the intricacies of working solo. We also need to feel connected and supported, both personally and professionally. We crave connection whether we realize it or not.
You can't spend all your time cavorting online or tethered to your phone…and if you are, you're leaving money on the table! Sometimes you just gotta g.o.o.y.o.w. - get out of your own way!
Don't be like the one-legged duck swimming in circles...do something different.
Realize that the very technology that allows you to work from home (or on the go with a mobile device) can also become the double edge sword that kills your business. It can be a helpful tool or a big distraction preventing you from focusing on your goals and doing the things you actually need to do - like, oh I don't know..earn income!
All Work And No Play Makes Jack (or Jill) A Dull Head
I get it. You need to pop the cork and let off some pressure now and then. What's the harm in a little surfing the web? But ask yourself how often you're doing that, and is it helping your business. Are you bored? Are you lonely? Heck, are you even cut out for solopreneurship?
I had to have a conversation with me, myself and I. I realized the only person who could control my non-essential lolli-gagging was me. I'm the boss! But I also know it's important to not feel isolated…again, quirk or perk.
If this sounds like you too, you need a workable solution.
Find a community of like-minded people - kindred spirits who see what you see, feel how you feel and understand the work-from-home mindset.
Associate yourself with people who live what you live and appreciate that while being your own boss can be rewarding, it doesn't mean it's an easy path…yet they choose to keep doing it just like you:
Find your tribe, find your power.
Community can be incredibly valuable in helping you grow your circle of friends and colleagues in addition to your personal ones. Beyond that, immersing yourself in a supportive community can not only help you build business skills, it can help you build your business!
Search social media groups on Facebook and Google+ that interest you. Plant yourself in discussion groups and forums where you can share ideas and help one another.
If the thought of this sounds too cumbersome or intimidating for you, fear not. I've got the perfect thing for what ails ya! It's a swiss army knife solution for a common dilemma faced by many home-based solopreneurs.
The Whole Is Greater Than The Sum Of Its Parts
- Aristotle
I found an online community that completely fills in the gaps where I most need help. What do I mean by that and why do I think it's so powerful?
Because it's not just one person. It's a group of solopreneurs who come from diverse backgrounds who have a common interest and are willing to interact with one another. It's called a mastermind community.
They're able to listen, teach, guide, correct, support, mentor and even join with you. (Many a partnership or join venture happens within mastermind communities.) The power comes from the collective sharing of ideas, expertise, experience and diverse backgrounds.
Imagine having a burning question, a nagging technical issue, or a milestone celebration you want to share and within an hour having 30 people respond by answering your question, or providing a helpful resource or congratulating you on your milestone. That's the power of a mastermind community.
You don't get that when you stay inside your little cocoon inside your home office. Worse than that…your business won't grow.
So, next time you're on social media, consider how you can use it for your business. Find a group, a discussion board or a forum to participate in. It'll open up a whole new set of possibilities for your home business and it'll do you a world of good.
If you would like to learn more about my mastermind community or wanna join, just say so! I'm very connected! Just Contact me here
From gaining exposure for your business and content to improving your search engine rankings, an active G+ (Google+) account is a must.
Even though changes to online social media platforms are a given and things are always going to be fluid, here's a handy dandy article that appeared in Search Engine Journal that'll shed some light on your first steps to weaning yourself off of Facebook as a way to promote your biz:
Read Jayson DeMers article "How To Breathe Life Into Your Google+ Profile"
While there are differing opinions on which social media platform will give you the best exposure, there's a reason why G+ is growing exponentially and especially for businesses. They embrace business...they like us!
It's enough to make you quote Sally Field's Oscar acceptance speech for her role in Places In The Heart, "You like me, you really like me!"
Oh...before you go - skip on over to my sidebar and let me know YOU like me by adding me to your circles! (Promise I'll add ya back!)
Keeping your online content relevant and daisy fresh isn't always easy, but for your followers, it shouldn't feel like a chore to read and interact with your stuff either.
Whether it's blog subscribers or social media groupies, you've got to find a way to be captivating and engaging. That's no small feat considering how rapidly things change online!
It's the wild wild west out there and not everyone is following the rules of good taste. Some of your competition is out there saying and doing outlandish things to get the attention of your readers and sadly, sometimes it works!
So if you've earned subscribers, better do whatever you can to keep them. If you're still bucking for your first followers, you need to come up with a strategy to captivate and engage them - ethically, of course
All of us inevitably have those days when you stare at a blank screen and wonder what to write for your readers. You've got to give your followers the goods after all. You worked hard to resonate with them in the first place, so
1. How do you keep things fresh and interesting?
2. How do you make sure you're reaching them in a meaningful way that provides value and at the same time doesn't make you sound like every other Joe or Josephine?
3. How do you avoid putting them to sleep?
FRESH is an acronym I devised for remembering the important things. The goal is to captivate and engage your followers online. You want to grab their attention and keep it, especially over an extended period of time.
The FRESH formula can help keep your content relevant and useful to your readers and fans, lest they cut and run.
And don't forget...the written word isn't the only way to speak to them. YouTube is the perfect example of how to connect with your audience on a whole different level, so whenever possible, use a multimedia approach to get your messages across.
1. FOCUS - keep a narrow focus for each of your articles, social media posts and videos. Your readers are busy….typically looking for help of some kind. There's no need to muddy the waters with mixed or multiple messages. (K.I.S.S.!)
2. RESPECT - Show your readers you value and respect both their time and intelligence. Don't insult them or deliver useless content. Their time is valuable to them and you promised to deliver helpful relevant content. Ever had a conversation with someone and suddenly realize their eyes are glazing over? Don't do that to your audience!
3. ENGAGE - Keep your content conversational. Communicate in a way that makes your readers feel as though you're having a kitchen table chat. Don't talk AT them, but rather WITH them. "Does that make sense to you?" Do your best to make your fans and followers feel like they're involved, rather than outside looking in…"you know what I mean?" Check for understanding. Ask questions to make them think. "Clear as mud?"
4. SHARE - Don't be afraid to show a little of your personality, that spunk or spark…whatever gets them to resonate with you at the same time you're teaching or showing them something they can use. Your readers need to feel like you're a regular Joe, just like them, but they won't be able to unless and until you reveal it to them. Offer an opinion. Share your knowledge freely, but share some of yourself as well. Remember: Facts tell, stories sell.
5. HELP - Always add value, serve a purpose, solve a problem, set an example, offer a solution, save someone time, deliver on a promise, share a true story of an embarrassing lesson you learned to illustrate how to avoid the same thing.
Get FRESH with your fans and followers and consistently apply these elements to your content to captivate and engage their interest. Your fans and followers will learn that when they interact with your content, they can count on you to give them what they came for...and they're more likely to come back for more.
Want to attract more clients? It all starts with you. But if you've ever felt like you lost the genetic lottery, or that you might have missed school when they covered the part about developing a magnetic personality, take heart.
Not everyone has the "It" factor but there are things you can do to improve your 'joie de vivre' that will attract more clients to your business.
Are you destined for failure before you even start?
You weren't home sick the day they passed out the success gene. There isn't one. While it may be true that the beautiful people of the world 'seem' to catch all the lucky breaks, it's really just a convenient excuse for not giving it all you've got.
Can you just become one of those shiny happy people?
YES! But it takes some effort...
Success is not about an attractive 'look' (although you don't want to present yourself like a bag lady!) Successful people learn to be successful. They see and are exposed to other successful people who model successful behavior and they replicate that behavior. It's about a confidence from within that gives off a vibe, an energy.
Have you ever been around someone like that? You can tell right away that something is different. Rather than making you feel like there's a 5 foot protective bubble around them, they radiate an openness, an energy that draws you in like a moth to a flame. It's like they have a light from within and YOU WANT IT!
Success is available to anyone. It's a result of habitual, ingrained, almost subconscious behavior patterns that form at the roots and grow over time.
It comes from the persistent and consistent application and implementation of positive actions…daily. Got that? Daily! THAT's what creates successful, driven people and entrepreneurs...not genes! (Thank gawd!)
You can have occasional, even moderate success by applying some positive actions now and then. But inconsistent action brings inconsistent results every time.
"I work from home, behind a computer. No one will ever see me."
Are you kidding? Of course people will see you! It's your job to be seen - maybe not live or even face to face, but you can never take that attitude that people won't see you. We're talking about your online business brand and that is conveyed through your words, your website and your graphics.
People WILL see you and form an opinion about who you are and if you're the real deal...the one who can help them. Or they might decide you're a pompous you-know-what.
It's entirely up to you!
If you want to really achieve the kind of success that moves in an upward trajectory, your actions need to be applied consistently every day. That doesn't mean you'll be successful overnight, but it WILL happen, and far sooner than that haphazard approach you were using.
The old adage "garbage in, garbage out" (or is that something my mother made up?) is so true. We reflect to others what we're made of on the inside. Sooner or later, what's on the mind inevitably rolls off the tongue. Yikes! This should strike fear in the hearts of many! (There are some things you just can't take back!)
So how do you keep your engine running smoothly? How do you avoid sputtering out or backfiring in thick smoke?
Keep your fuel tank full. Don't dump in low level junk - go for the high octane stuff! I like me some Napoleon Hill, Jim Rohn, Darren Hardy, T Harv Eker, Maya Angelou and Marianne Williamson, just to name a few. Of course, part of my own secret sauce is humor- I can't live without it. So I seek out funny people, blogs etc. to sprinkle some sunshine into my daily existence.
It's said that old patterns die hard, but they can be replaced with newer behaviors and conscious effort. So here's a few more tips for dusting off your junk, polishing your fenders and becoming one of those shiny happy people we aspire to be!
People Boundaries -
You may have to 86 the riff raff in your world. You know who I'm talking about - the person that just sucks the life out of you! Learn to say no to people that interfere with your goals and your path to success. (easier said than done, for some of us, but it CAN be done!)
Time Boundaries -
Time is a commodity - a very valuable commodity. We only have so many hours and minutes in a day to "do what we gotta do" in our businesses. Factor in family, friends and community obligations and basically your whole day can get swallowed up. First thing after reading this, spend some time charting out a schedule of your time. Make a plan and stick to it.
As a business coach, I tell my students to visualize a scale. On one side are your goals - your well-intentioned plans for success. On the other side of the scale is dead weight...meaning all the people who don't see what you see, dream what you dream, or live what you live. They are not "big-picture" thinkers.
Also on that side of the scale is the dead weight of daily minutia...your day-to-day "stuff." It's all the little interruptions that prevent your consistent daily progress. Facebook, email, phone - you get the picture.
Tip the scale back in your favor by purposefully and methodically removing the people and things that prevent or slow down your success. As you do, the scales will begin to balance, and after all, life is about balance. It's not about being a workaholic. It's about working smarter, with more efficiency. Getting more done in less time, and keeping the main thing, the main thing.
When the right people and elements are in place, the path toward your goals is infinitely simpler. No more minefields to navigate or slow you down. Your entire work environment feels lighter, allowing you the freedom to 'be all that you can be'.
In fact, you can accelerate your pace toward those dreams and goals you've set for yourself...when you have an extra pair of eyes on you making sure you're not deviating from the plan.
You've heard me sing the praises of mentorship before and I'm still singing that tune! Find a mentor or mastermind group that helps, not hinders your progress. I can help you with this
Grab a free 15 minute consultation right now!
So, remember:
...and remember to be good to you, always!
Are you secretly hatching a plan to transition out of your boring, life-sucking, unfulfilling J.O.B. and someday starting a home business of your own? One that doesn't involve network marketing?
Not sure what you would do or where to even start start?
You have options!
If you can't already tell, I'm passionate about home business entrepreneurship! (I even make meme's about it!)
But - I truly love helping other people, especially women like me, who are choosing to work from home, not out of a corporate office or public workspace. I KNOW it would make a lot of women (and men) happier if they could learn how to work from home.
It's important to make some distinctions about working from home. You can work from home and still be employed by a company, which is called telecommuting…but I'm not talking about that type of work-from-home situation.
I'm talking about something that at first glance appears to be the same, yet has one main difference: you're not employed by a company. You don't have a boss. You write your own paycheck. You answer to no one else. YOU are the business!
Why not start your own online business with the skills you already have, and earn whatever income YOU set for yourself, not a measly sliver of salary or commission some company decides to pay you!
Many people already conduct online home business this way. For example real estate agents, insurance agents, professional consultants and in-home service providers typically meet with their clients and customers on their turf…or sometimes over a meal or a cup of coffee.
Thanks to rapid advances in technology and the uncertain economy, new workplace trends are emerging. More and more business is being conducted on the internet via emails, webinars, Skype calls, Google Hangouts and the like…which begs the question:
Why work for someone else?
Set yourself up with an online business and fire your boss!
There's a massive shift taking place where hundreds of thousands of people are discovering they can use their years of on the job skills, training and expertise to actually start their own online home business allowing them to work from home when they choose. Others are reinventing themselves based on their in-depth knowledge of a hobby, interest or passion.
Don't wait helplessly until your job is either downsized, outsourced or phased out completely. Take charge of your own future and do it now!
Put a plan in motion now to transition out of your J.O.B. where you get no respect to becoming an online business owner that fills your spirit AND your wallet!
Already been let go? What are you waiting for?
Turn your specialized knowledge and insight into a business that helps others. Take that cherished hobby you've been involved with for years and turn it into a home business. Have intimate knowledge of a health ailment or chronic condition that could help others with a similar affliction? Turn it into home business.
The advantages are clear: you're the boss, you set your own schedule, you get to choose who you work with (and who you don't!) and you have unlimited income potential. You also have more time freedom for family and friends! Who doesn't want that?
Think this is about door-to-door sales, hotel meetings or networking events? Think again!
My online business is based on helping people discover their strengths and passions, teaching them how to set up their business online and how to attract clients and customers without chasing them so they can earn money and have fun doing it.
Put On Your Thinking Cap!
What skills, talents abilities, knowledge or expertise do you have that you could leverage into a home business you could do from a laptop, tablet or home computer?
Here are some words to stimulate your reactive juices and jog your memory bank:
Are you starting to get the picture?
Are you good with computers, electronics, math, writing, science?
What could you teach someone to do?
What hobbies could you teach other people about? (eg. photography, sewing, automotive repair, videography, coin collecting, model trains, needlework, crafting, quilting, etc)
What skills or on-the-job training could you educate others about or offer as a service? Graphic design? Interior design? Consulting? Cooking/nutrition? Insurance? Real Estate? Home renovation or repair? Professional Counseling?
I've barely scratched the surface…but there's enough to get you going. Start recording your thoughts and just do a big 'ol brain dump. Keep writing til you can't think of anymore. Keep it by your bed for late night inspiration and V-8 moments.
p.s. Don't forget the flashlight!
Do your prospects scurry away from you faster than The Donald's toupee on a windy day?
Maybe it's because you tell bad jokes...
It might be because you have poor hygiene…
...or because you secretly worship Englebert Humperdink!
More than likely it's because they've previously had a bad experience with an overzealous network marketer who cornered them, convinced that EVERYONE needed to hear his/her message.
They were actually a victim of bad marketing perpetrated by an uninformed network marketer. In essence your prospects have already been "thrown-up" on, and frankly they're grossed out. (I know, bad visual, sorry!)
Unfortunately it's people like that that give network marketing and direct selling a bad name. But it doesn't have to be that way! It shouldn't be that way... and you’re not going to be one of "those!"
You see, the truth is not everyone IS interested in what you have to offer! Get over it! Not everyone is your prospect…but SOMEONE is! The trick is to learn how to zero in on that someone, your ideal target.
My friend Eric Walker, Social Media Marketing Director at Ann Sieg's Renegade Blog wrote a great article on this…and since I'm not into reinventing the wheel, here's a link to see what I mean:
Do You Really Know Who You're Supposed To Be Marketing To?
Pop on over and give it a look, he's got some valuable golden nuggets in there that can save you time and maybe even your reputation! Oh, and while you're there, tell him I sent ya!
Dorothy, the Scarecrow, the Tin man and the Cowardly Lion have a problem. They're lost. They've heard about a powerful wizard who may be able to help, if they can find him...
But they don't know where to start looking or who to trust. They're desperate to find someone to show them the way to this Wizard of Oz. This story is a lesson in how to market your business online.
Lions & Tigers & Bears, Oh My!
Dorothy and her posse have embarked on a search of the big old world wide web and have encountered many things on their journey…scary things, shiny things…even some very shady things! They've wandered a bit and landed on your website (blog).
It's your job to be their trusted guide, leading them down the tantalizingly techni-colored yellow brick road, pointing out all the potential pitfalls and empty promises they should avoid.
They quickly learn to trust you because, well...you have their backs! You're right there helping them avoid a perilous detour that would certainly result in more pain and confusion…things they definitely don't want! You caution them that witches and flying monkeys lay in wait! (They shudder in fear!)
You keep urging them to follow you and trust that you can get them to Oz. After all, you've 'traveled the road before them' and are 'wise to the distractions and dead ends along the way.'
You know how scary it is, and you certainly don't want them to have to experience that either. You promise to show them the way. (They feel relieved!)
Be The Happy Ending!
Of course, you already know what lies ahead at the end of their yellow brick road because you put it there!
It's your offer…the perfect solution to their problem! (Aren't you clever!) You're leading them to the land of Oz on the road YOU paved for them with your carefully crafted message that speaks to their needs.
You've positioned yourself so that they now see you as the authority, the Obi-Wan, the true expert; not the "Great and Powerful Wizard" who doesn't want you to see what's really behind the curtain!
Nope! You're different!
Dorothy and her posse can see that now, and they've already got their credit card in hand, eager to do business with you! That's the fairytale ending every online business entrepreneur wants to experience, but it's really not a fairytale if you play your cards right. It can be reality!
It takes practice and effort to learn and refine your marketing skills to get consistently good results, but if you'd like a yellow brick shortcut - you're in luck! I know exactly how to help you find it right here.
If you're running any kind of online business, you know that it requires you to create and configure a functioning lead capture, or landing page but they can be a royal pain in the backside, if you know what I mean! Never fear...the new 10 Minute Pages is here!
EVERY online business needs lead capture, sales and squeeze pages to collect information from your subscribers or to conduct sales transactions. But if you've ever tried to make one yourself- it's a challenge! Often times you need to know some kind of html code and then you have to copy & paste, and save, and go back to another page to see if it looks right...then back to the original page...ugh! Who needs that hassle?
After a few hours and lots of teeth grinding, you can't even remember what it was supposed to look like in the first place. If you're anything like, me you don't want an ugly squeeze page that looks like everyone else's. It's a lot of wasted time, with nothing to show for all that aggravation. Well, time is money. You shouldn't waste time on something that slows you down and doesn't even advance your business.
I've bought and used several lead capture software brands, and without fail, every time I used them I'd say to myself, If only this software tool could do this or that. Why don't they have this feature it'd make it so much easier. Then when finally at my wits end I'd think to myself, "Why doesn't somebody make one of these things work like my mac - with drag and drop?"
I've been using this software for over a year and it's so easy and so quick, they call it 10 Minute Pages. I want you to know about it because I keep hearing from people how frustrated they are that they can't make a decent landing page. Very often I hear people say they give up halfway through. That's not helpful for your business.
It's really something you need to see in action, so click the image below. It's definitely worth a look, at the very least.
I wonder...are you an Innie or an Outie? Innie's are introverts...the topic of a really interesting article on LinkedIn that struck a chord with me. (pun intended!)
The article was about learning new strategies to network...nothing new, right? But this was different. This article was specifically for Innies - aka introverts. Do you know someone like this? Maybe you or someone close to you?
The reason this struck a chord with me is because I know a lot of introverts. There are many more than any of us realize. In fact, it's estimated that up to 50% of the population could be considered introverts.
In my own family, I have several who fit this description...highly intelligent people who need quiet engagement, not over-stimulation. They succeed and even excel when the conditions allow them to blossom at their own comfort level. While not necessarily shy, they need their solitude, their 'down time' to recharge. This can be seen by outies, er - extroverts - as being rude or unsociable.
The article, An Introvert's Guide to Getting The Most From A Conference is written by Dharmesh Shah, founder and CTO of HubSpot who provides marketing software for small businesses.
Dharmesh, a self-proclaimed introvert, also authors a very popular blog - OnStartups.com He cites as part of his research, expert Susan Cain, speaker and author of "Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking"
"Introversion has more to do with how you respond to stimulation, where you draw your energy, and how you recharge that energy. Extroverts crave stimulation; introverts feel most alive and capable in quieter, low-key environments."
Solopreneurs typically enjoy the solitude of working alone, and often have to stretch beyond their comfort zone to network and form new connections, particularly in their local market.
Dharmesh says, "with a little planning and the right approach", introverts can play to their strengths and swing things in their favor making what they typically looked at as a chore - networking- seem doable. He goes on to give some really helpful strategies to use in public conference-type settings to help get the best experience without feeling drained and miserable.
This article is actually helped me see things from a different perspective, and I highly recommend it. If you pick up some useful tidbits, consider sharing it with someone you know that can benefit from the information.
You can read the full article here:
An Introvert's Guide To Getting The Most From A Conference
What does a boss want? Everything!
If you're one of the lucky people to have a good boss, congratulations, sorta...you're in the minority.
Actually, having a boss means you're working for someone else and helping them build their business. Most people aren't so lucky to have a nice, respectful boss.
Usually the boss is getting pressure from above and tends to pass their crud on to you. They demand your time. A lot of your time. They want you to make them look good, without giving you any credit for doing so.
Often a boss wants you to bend and twist and and stand up straight and know what she wants before she speaks it. She wants your unfailing loyalty, your reverence…and offers none in return.
A boss wants you to swallow the bitter pill and not question. Is this what you have to look forward to for the next, what, 20-30-40 or more years?
There's no such thing as the gold retirement watch or the cushy pension any more. Those days are GONE!
Your future is up to you, and the sooner you realize that and start being proactive about creating the future you desire, all the better for you.
Think you don't have a lot of options? Think again! There are lots of options staring you in the face- just open your eyes and you'll "see" them.
Home entrepreneurship has plenty of options- affiliate marketing, network marketing direct sales, consulting, mobile marketing...the list goes on. You HAVE options! It's up to you what you do with your options
Once you start plotting your course (meaning, your own exit strategy), you can set a date for firing your boss!
You can begin earning your own income with no limits on the amount. There's no threat of being fired, or laid off, and no one breathing down your neck.
The amount of time you spend on your business is your business! Work it a lot or work it a little…that's what becoming your own boss will do for you - give you options. That's freedom!
It's time to start your exit strategy NOW! Set a time table for how and when you want to exit your current job or occupation and do it on your own terms. Research and compare your options and how it will affect not just your future, but those you love and care about.
Have a realistic understanding of how your finances will be affected during this transition. The more planning and implementing you do to start your own online business, the smoother your transition.
Plot the course and the sequence of events that will ultimately lead you from employee to self-employed. Imagine how satisfying it will feel the day when you can finally fire your boss and hire yourself!
Picture this, you're out having lunch at a sidewalk cafe with a dear friend you haven't seen in a while. You've missed each other and it's been far too long since you've had a face to face meet-up. Your mobile phones are fashionably perched on top of the table and the two of you are thoroughly enjoying the "catch-up."
You've made it a point to be a good listener and ask questions and really find out where she's at. Amid your conversation your phone begins to buzz…thankfully you remembered to set it on vibrate to avoid disturbing the other diners.
Your conversation continues to unfold as your meals arrive. Unfortunately, your lunch mate barely takes a breath. You find yourself becoming oddly discontent…feeling like you've been dropped onto the set of a bad soap opera.
Her words begin to sound heavy and you realize what should have been a Reader's Digest Condensed version, is fast becoming a blow-by-blow of her daily routine for the past year. Suddenly your phone vibrates twice more. Hers - nothing.
It's clear her world has become small and myopic. The old commercial tagline, "Calgon take me away!" briefly pops into your head. But she's your friend, you reason, and you give her the attention she deserves. Besides, that was you not long ago, before you made an important decision to change your life.
Your phone vibrates again, yet your eyes don't flinch, don't divert, don't show any signs of distraction as she wraps up her less-than-epic life story.
Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! Your phone is blowing up with activity!
Unable to ignore it any longer, your friend finally cracks, "Well aren't you popular, my phone hasn't made a peep even once."
"It's my bank," you reply before taking a long sip from your umbrella-adorned beverage. You notice one eyebrow raise, her body language indicating she's curiously awaiting further clarification. "I get notifications when I get a deposit in my account."
She sits up and leans forward, "You're telling me every time your phone vibrates you're getting paid?" voice trailing upwards in disbelief. You nod your head to confirm. Her eyes narrow, head cocked. "Exactly where do you work that you get paid so...frequently?"
You smile coyly, prop your elbow on the table, palm up with phone served up like a pizza, "Right here. This is my office on the go" No sooner do you finish the sentence when your phone vibrates again. Ahh, perfect timing!
Your friend's eyes widen as she says "Tell me more." The two of you spend the rest of your lunch date discussing your handheld business on the go.
As the check arrives, you snap it up and offer to treat, "It's on me…tax write off. Cost of doing business."
Your friend is now chomping at the bit to hear more and get into the biz with you. "Can you help me get started?" You smile, "Of course, all I need is your email"
The rest is history.
This is the story of how easy it is to have a business in the palm of your hand.
Virtually all commerce is headed toward mobile marketing, and we're just in the beginning stages of this trend. The question is, are you a trend setter or a trend follower?
If you haven't checked into mobile marketing as a potential source of residual income, what are you waiting for? The iron is hot! Strike now!
To learn more about my mobile marketing opportunity, click here
It is if you think it is, and it's not if you don't.
Ever wonder why some people poo poo network marketing so much? Of all the forms of selling out there, retail, online marketing, tele-marketing, mass mailing campaigns...you could find plenty to poo poo about each of them (and for some you'd be justified!) Yet there's a long-standing myth being perpetuated that networking marketing is a "scam". I say to this line of generalized thinking…B.S.!
Come on People! Consider the Source!
Why does our society focus on the few barking sour-pusses of the world who would fail in ANY business or marketing endeavor simply because they lack the personal skills to be a success? Instead of taking responsibility for their own failures, or fears of success, they prefer to bark about others in an effort to deflect attention away from their own inadequacies.
And yet...people are quick to listen and pay heed to this person? When did we stop thinking for ourselves? What happened to our own critical thinking and reasoning skills? Due diligence is a must, but for crap sake, be smart about it! ALWAYS consider the source of the information!
Being skeptical isn't totally a bad thing…but it can prevent you from going outside your comfort zone and finding great opportunities that await. And there's a big difference between being a healthy skeptic and being cynical.
The network marketing business model is the simplest of them all. It's talking and sharing and helping by word of mouth. People already do this every day, they just don't think of it that way. When you tell a friend about something really exciting or cool that you saw or experienced, you don't think of yourself as "selling" to them.
When your friend tells you where you can get a smokin' deal on a tech gadget or pair of shoes, you appreciate them for telling you! They just helped you and saved you money or time. This is the basic concept behind the network marketing business model that people get so "up in arms about" and blindly call it a scam or the oft parroted phrase "It's a pyramid scheme."
I say B.S.! (That's right B.S.!)
For those of you who haven't escaped the confines of your turtle shell for the last 50 years, take notice…network marketing has evolved! It's the business of referral marketing, or what's similarly known as word-of-mouth advertising.
If you come across a pushy, in-your-face, obnoxious network marketer, HE (or she) is the scam, not the business they're representing. That person is just ill-informed, ignorant (or both) about the right way to be a network marketer.
(And frankly, anyone who follows this blog has no excuse for being a pathetic network marketer!)
Let's take it a step further and look at the network marketing business model compared to the traditional retail business model, and then you decide for yourself if it's a bunch of B.S. -
With the retail model, you have big companies that make products who then pay big distribution companies to get their products into big stores. They then pay lots of money to air t.v. and radio ads directed at you for the purpose of persuading you to purchase their products. It's big business helping big business. No little guys allowed (that's you and me!) The rich get richer with a private system.
With network marketing, you're creating your own channel of distribution and taking the money away from the big companies. The network marketing company simply pays everyday people like you and me for simply marketing products and services ourselves. Hardly a scam.
Network marketing is just a grass roots level of marketing. There's no need to be weird and pushy with your friends and acquaintances. Just be helpful, smile and understand that some will, some won't, so what?! It's a big ol' world out there…so keep on helping people and just watch what happens!
If you're interested in learning about my network marketing opportunity, I'd be happy to send you some information and answer any questions you have. Simply use the "Contact Me" tab in the menu bar at the top of this page.
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