Do you have what it takes to overcome challenges, or do you allow them to tower over you? Big girls don't cry...they slay the dragon! Learn to reset your mind to face daily challenges in your home business and in life. Think you’re enough? This question pops into our heads daily, especially us women. "Am I smart enough, good enough, attractive enough, strong enough, thin enough?" The list is exhausting, isn't it? Yet I could prattle on and add more to the list. Lucky I don't have all day, and neither do you. You're a busy entrepreneur! As a home business owner, we're faced with these questions daily. You have a deadline - and you feel dread. You need to know how to change the header on your website - and you procrastinate. You have a demanding client, and you wonder if it’s worth it. Every instance calls for taking some sort of action and you say to yourself, “Am I up for this?” This happens all day long. It happens in life.
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