I recently celebrated my birthday! KA-CHING!
I say 'ka-ching' because every year you're still around beyond the half century mark is like winning the lottery! OK...maybe not the big Kahuna jackpot, but its definitely worth a happy jig - even if you do it in the privacy of your own home!
My birthday also marks the "official" anniversary of the birth of me becoming an online home business entrepreneur. You see, a few years ago I gave myself the best birthday gift ever... I gave myself a chance!
Let me explain...
In the months before my birthday, I dabbled and farted around exploring and (even stalking) various websites in search of internet marketing information. Most of my online searches left me feeling like I needed to either wash my hands afterward, or like I was missing crucial information. There just didn't seem to be a comprehensive system that pulled all the crucial elements together for me that I could feel good about.
"C'mon! Somebody has to have some scruples," I thought. "Somebody has to actually prove they know what they're talking about...and not just make ridiculous claims." I continued my dogged search.
Every day I sludged around on the internet. It reminded me of the childhood game where you aimlessly move around trying to find some unknown "thing" while your playmate calls out, "Cold, you're cold! Nope...now you're free-zing!" So you change direction...and she says, "Warmer...warmer...warmer" hinting with ever-increasing vocal intensity that you're practically on top of said "thing."
I had also been studying about the Law of Attraction (LOA) for a few weeks prior to my birthday and was beginning to apply it to my life, which was in a bit of disarray at the time. They say pain is a stronger motivator than pleasure!
Out with the old, in with the new!
So because of LOA, I began to remove old worn out thoughts and limiting beliefs with new positive ones. I had made up my mind that I didn't want to ever get a J.O.B. again. I wanted to be my own boss and work from home, but that was going to require learning some new skills...skills that I could build a business on.
Have you ever set a future goal to own a particular luxury item - let's say a shiny new red convertible - then all of the sudden you notice there are hundreds of them, everywhere?
Did you miraculously cause the universe to drop a bunch of shiny red sports cars onto the roadways? I think not! It's just that you set a strong intention to acquire it, a focused desire, which brought your wish up into a higher level of consciousness.
This is the essence of LOA. By merely setting a focused goal you become more aware, more open to seeing the goal; the red convertible. You simply moved from wishful thinking to intention, two very different things.
Back to my story...
So one day I'm wasting time on Facebook when I notice an ad that catches my eye. I'm curious, so I click on it. On the resulting page I'm met with the words that would change my direction - an invitation:
“Learn how to attract new clients without having to chase them down or cold call."
WHAT?! As a frustrated network marketer, who doesn’t like face-to-face marketing, I liked the sound of that! I decided to investigate further:
“...and it works for any kind of business.” Double WHAT?! As the wife of an insurance agent there were some real possibilities!
OK, now I’m really intrigued! I registered for the informational webinar that was being advertised which happened to fall on the same evening of my birthday. Uh oh! I had a scheduling conflict.
In my family we have a 30 year old tradition of treating the birthday girl (or boy) to dinner at their favorite restaurant. I look forward to this every year, and have never missed one....but this particular year, I felt compelled to not dismiss this opportunity. I decided to take a chance on myself and see if this deal was a good fit for me. I figured, what could it hurt?
(My family was shocked when I turned down the birthday dinner for a webinar!)
Fast forward to that night. It was one birthday, two births, no twins! It was the anniversary of my birth into this world more than a half century ago, and it was the birth of my journey to learning and applying the principles of attraction marketing to help me start my home business helping others.
I say all this to illustrate that in the blink of an eye, a simple thought can change the course of your life...by intention or accident. Wouldn't you rather have some control over the direction of your future, than to go through life in reactive mode?
The law of attraction is simply about intensely focusing on what you want more of in your life. I intentionally set out to find a better way to market a home business online and voila...it manifested itself as an incredible opportunity.
But I had a choice to make - birthday dinner with family I dearly love or take a chance that something potentially life-changing was awaiting me. I'm glad I took the chance on myself!
In the process I re-discovered my passion for teaching others, and I was determined to share what I’d learned by teaching others to do it too. (Kinda like when you find a smokin' deal on a cute blouse you've been eyeing and you want to tell all your friends so they can take advantage of it too!)
Have you had a profound manifestation in your life? Please share your experiences in the comments below. Other people can learn from hearing your story too!
If you’d like to take a chance on yourself, like I did, you can attend the same free informational webinar and see if it’s a good fit for you too. You owe it to yourself to at least find out what it’s all about.
Click this link for more information
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